Hickstead Still Need Title Sponsor

| April 12, 2013

hicksteadAfter concerns in January that without a title sponsor for Hickstead, one of the most famous annual show jumping events today, it has been recently announced that measures have been put in place to allow the the event to run, should a sponsor not be found.

Carpetright ended it’s sponsorship with the event in October 2012 detailing that the move was to allow Lord Harris to concentrate on ownership.  Lord Harris is a joint owner of Hello Sanctor, the Olympic ride of Scott Brash.

Their aim of attracting a title sponsor, is to maintain the prize fund of £120,000 to secure the world class competitors and horses required for the competition.  While the Bunn family may be willing to cover this cost themselves ensuring the future of this historic competition, they are hopeful that a new title sponsor will be found in the following months.

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