Route Hunt Meet at Macosquin

| March 13, 2013

On Saturday 9th March 2013 only 11 Route Hunt members were brave or keen  enough to face the awful weather conditions of the day. All met in Mary Pats Bar in Macosquin and welcomed the open fire and the Bushmills whiskey which was served before the hunt set off at around 12.30 pm. There was a short hack from Mary Pats along the Ringrash Road to the field for the first hedge of the day which tested 2 riders and defeated one rider who had to use the gate.

The hunt then hacked along a laneway and across a few fields before crossing a river to get to the next fields. The rain kept falling while the hunt continued with a watery ditch, several stone walls, 2 five bar gates, a telegraph pole fence and a number of banks and hedges to jump before the last optional jump of the day the enormous Hall Drop Hedge, a famous hedge in the Macosquin hunt, which only Huntsman Lee Johnson on Big Al and Field Master Campbell Smith on Diamond were brave/foolish enough to tackle and clear. Having braved the rain for 2 hours the hunt returned to Mary Pats and welcomed the soup and sandwiches provided by the proprietors. Despite the weather all had enjoyed another great days hunting and stayed on board . The Route hunt members and organisers would like to thank all the farmers and landowners who have supported them and allowed the Route Hunt the use of their land this season as without them it would be impossible. The last hunt of this season is Saturday 16th March at 12 noon and the proceeds of this hunt are for The Riding for The Disabled Association so it is hoped that there will be a good turnout.

For further details about The Route Hunt and the last hunt this season, which is open to anyone, please contact Philip White Hunt Master (07732630963) or Julie Smyth Hunt Secretary (07793209899)

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