Flexi Eventing Continues at The Meadows

| February 5, 2013

Due to popular demand, The Meadows Equestrian Centre, in association with Eventing Ireland (NR) are going to extend the current series of Flexi Eventing which will now run each Saturday until 23 February.

This is suitable for riders of all abilities who can choose any one, two or three of the disciplines of dressage, show jumpinging and cross country. It is open to everyone – not just eventers so why not come along and join the many others who are already enjoying this series.
Dressage must be pre-entered with Dora (07876758979 or dorabeacom@live.co.uk) by 6pm on the Wednesday of each week but showjumping and cross country entries are taken on the day.

Showjumping starts at 9.30am sharp with 70cms and 1m. The 70cms course is then raised to 80cms , followed by 90cms while the 1m progresses to 1.10m and 1.20m. Further enquiries to Patricia on  07843590193

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