Side Saddle Course Set for Castle Leslie

| January 15, 2013

side saddleCastle Leslie Equestrian Centre plan to run a series of courses on side saddle. The side saddle course will be for anyone wishing to have a go at side saddle.

Sidesaddle riding is a form of equestrianism that uses a type of saddle which allows a rider to sit aside rather than astride an equine.

Michelle Clancy BHSAI will instruct on how to fit a side saddle, the importance of fitting the saddle, correct dress code and mounting onto the saddle side. Jenny Richardson BHSAI will also talk about the fitness of the rider and will allow riders to have a go on the virtual horse at Castle Leslie.

The course will include lunch at starts at 10am -2pm on 17th February 2013 the total price of the course is 75 euro for further information contact Jenny on

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