Top class jumping at Ravensdale Lodge

| May 29, 2015

2002 World Show Jumping Champion Dermott Lennon and Vampire Winning the National GP before flying to Shanghai to jump at an invitation event

2002 World Show Jumping Champion Dermott Lennon and Vampire Winning the National GP before flying to Shanghai to jump at an invitation event

Week ending 24th May, results & report Ravensdale Lodge Equestrian & Event Centre.

The cream of Irish show jumping were in attendance at Ravensdale Lodge over the weekend  for the National Grand Prix show which ran from Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th May. From a grey, slow start for the first class on Friday numbers picked up with good entries for the other classes on the day. The 90cm class on Friday was divided between Lynn Patterson with Cujo, Janine Farrell with Blackmoor Heather and  Edward Mulligan who had two, Chill Out Love & Drumbrean in the rosettes. Lynn Patterson and Cujo were in the prize money again in the 1m class as they slotted into third place behind Helen Pearson Murray with Cyrano Buttercup and Sven Hadley with Ooh La La in second. Fourth place in the 1m class went to local rider Mark Murphy on board his own Eva M while Mary Mc Shane finished fifth in the class with Marley Dreamer and Mary Mc Leigh came home sixth in the class with father Frank’s Melia Barcelo. Local rider, Mark Murphy started his good run of form by winning the 1.10m class with Horseware Ireland owner’s Tom Mac Guinness’ Horseware Foxy. Murphy completed the double on the same horse by winning the 1.20m class later in the afternoon.

"Presentation time": Local favourite, John Floody who is seldom out of the rosettes at Ravensdale Lodge managed to slot Matthew Birch's Mise Le Meas into fifth place in the National Grand Prix on Sunday afternoon with a clear round jump off time of 38.66 seconds. Floody is seen here being presented with his prize from International judge Hillary Mc Cleland. Photo: Niall Connolly.

“Presentation time”: Local favourite, John Floody
who is seldom out of the rosettes at Ravensdale Lodge managed to slot Matthew Birch’s Mise Le Meas into fifth place in the National Grand Prix on Sunday afternoon with a clear round jump off time of 38.66 seconds. Floody
is seen here being presented with his prize from International judge Hillary Mc Cleland. Photo: Niall Connolly.

April Mc Crea from Mayobridge Co. Down slotted into second place in the 1.10m class on board her own Bob while Rory Lavery finished in third place with Mr Mee. Mark Murphy collected some more prize money in the 1m class, this time finishing fourth riding Marina Hope’s Rock Of Tassett, Aedi Mc Caughey was fifth in the class on Jamelle Mc Caughey’s Lady Porchelle while William Greene came home in sixth place on Edentrillick Leviticus. Lynn Clibburn slotted into second place behind Mark Murphy in the 1.20m class with Marie Douglas, Third place in the 1.20m class went to Elizabeth Power with Robert Powers Doonaveera O One, Sven Hadley came home fourth in the class with the Hadley Sport Horses’ Cassintine, Stephen Browne was fifth in the class with his own Calgot Cruise while Rory Lavery was sixth with Me Mee. Sven Hadley won the 1.30m class with the Hadley Sport Horses owned Carla, Elizabeth Power went one better in this class by finishing second with Dooneveeragh O One, Declan Mc Evoy slotted into third place with his own Moon Zappa. Fourth in the 1.30m class went Gareth Clingan with Courageous Imp while local rider Ellen Hughes came home fifth with Mullentime Jetstream, John Floody picked up the final place in the class on board Eileen Duggan’s Bronson De Reve.

Emmett Mc Court & Calrino recorded back to back double clear rounds in the 1.10m & 1.20m classes at Ravensdale Lodge's SJI registered horse league on Wednesday afternoon. Photo: Niall Connolly.

Emmett Mc Court & Calrino recorded back to back double clear rounds in the 1.10m & 1.20m classes at Ravensdale
Lodge’s SJI registered horse league on Wednesday afternoon.
Photo: Niall Connolly.

Saturday morning started bright, sunny and warm and numbers reflected the good weather with increased entries on day one. Three of the four classes were won by young rider Sven Hadley who got the ball rolling by winning the 1m class with P. Cosgraves’ Lady Ooh La La, Hadley Sport Horses provided the second placed horse in the class, this time ridden by Manedez Pelayo, Pauline Twaddell slotted into third place with her own Cavalier Cruise C, Lucy Stewart was fourth on board her own Millburren Rose while Erinn Mc Cullagh was fifth with Fabulux and Alice Brennan was sixth with her own Killygarvin Playboy Lux. Philip Hannigan won the 1.10m class which was sponsored by Mc Caughey’s Service Station with his own Yukon Flash, Beverly Irwin was second on board Marcus Buser’s Vigo G, winner of the 1m class, Sven Hadley was third with Lady Ooh La La  while Amy Mc Verry was placed fourth with Captain Tate. Sarah Burns cam home in fifth place in the 1.10m class on board Adam Morgan’s Sarco Pride while James Kiernan’s Vinday was sixth under Margaret Fullerton.

Sven Hadley & the Hadley Sport Horse Team had a great three days at Ravensdale Lodge during the centres feature National Grand Prix weekend. Hadley, seen here winning the feature Leinster Summer Tour with Carla on Saturday added three other wins over the weekend along with seven placings in other classes which included a third place finish in the National Grand Prix on Sunday. Photo: Niall Connolly,

Sven Hadley & the Hadley Sport Horse Team had a great three days at
Ravensdale Lodge during the centres feature National Grand Prix weekend.
Hadley, seen here winning the feature Leinster Summer Tour with
Carla on Saturday added three other wins over the weekend along with seven
placings in other classes which included a third place finish in the
National Grand Prix on Sunday.
Photo: Niall Connolly,

Sven Hadley won the next two classes, the Hadley Sport Horses’ Cassana obliging in the 1.20m class which was sponsored by the Carrickdale Hotel, Victoria Brown was second in the 1.20m class with April Mc Crea’s Clagan Royale while James Kiernan was third on his own Auroras Diamond. Laura Brown was fourth in the 1.20m class with Zion Cruise while Declan Mc Evoy slotted Coolmullen Cool Concorde into fifth place and BLM Cosmopolitan Dandy into sixth. Hadley stopped the clock with Carla in the jump off in a time of 42.54 seconds in the feature 1.35m Leinster Summer Tour which was sponsored by Nicola Fitzgibbon was second in the class with Georgina Forbes’ Castleforbes Paddington, Kirsten Farr was third on board R Candy, Sven Hadley picked up some place money by finishing fourth with the Hadley Sport Horses’ Quanbell while Fiona Campbell was fifth with Sallymount Touch Of Clover. The minor placings were accounted for by Deirdre Reilly who slotted her own La Bouvarie into sixth place, Declan Mc Evoy was seventh with Moon Zappa and Fiona Campbell was eight with Catch Me If You Can.

Sunday started off with some cloud cover but the sun made an appearance later in the day leaving conditions very pleasant for rider and spectator alike. The day started off with the 1.10m Championship class which was won by Mark Murphy who continued from where he had left off from the previous day with the Tom Mac Guinness owned Horseware Foxy. April Mc Cray was second with Baby Blossom, Sven Hadley continued his good form with Lady Ooh La La who had picked up prize money on all three days by slotting into third place. Rory Lavery was fourth on board Mr Mee, Fifth place went to Sarah Burns with Georgies star and Amy Mc Verry steered Captain Tate into sixth place in the class. Tori Dunne won a highly competitive Bucas Ladies League 1.10m class which was sponsored by Tullyraine Vet Clinic with the Jackie Lee owned Bellscross Cruisedown, April Mc Crea repeated her form from the 1.10m championship class by coming home second with her own Baby Blossom. Louise Carroll was third in the class with the Carroll Produce owned Darrara Achilles, fourth place in the class went to Laura Jane Haire with Funny Time, Charlotte Quinn slotted into fifth place with Bush Lady and April Mc Crea picked up some more prise money by coming home in sixth place, this time with Carmenflag.  The Kehoe Kars Newry sponsored 1.20m Championship class was won by Mark Murphy who recorded a wonderful four timer on board the Tom Mac Guinness owned Horseware Foxy, Murphy had won both the 1.10m & 1.20m classes on the same horse both days he competed. Second place in the class went to the Hadley Sport Horses owned Cassana which was ridden by Sven Hadley, third place went to Fiona Campbell and Sallymount Touch Of Clover. Lauren Jean Haire slotted into fourth place with Funny Time, Sven Hadley picked up some more prize money by finishing fifth with Cassentine while Mary Mc Shane slotted into sixth place with her own MMS Camilla. Linen Green Designer Village were the sponsors of the 1.30m Championship class which was won by young rider Conor Mc Enaney on board his father Peter’s Moonlite Cavalier, the combination no strangers to the winners enclosure at Ravensdale Lodge. Elizabeth Power was second in the class on the Robert Power owned Doonaveeragh O One, Mullentine Jetstream who was ridden by Ellen Hughes came home third in this class while Deirdre Reilly was fourth with her own San Marco Z. The fifth place prize money was picked up by Mark Murphy with the Tom Mac Guinness owned Horseware Kilcoltrim while Mary Mc Shane got into the frame once again in sixth place with the Tom Treanor owned Zentus T.

So to the feature class of the weekend, the Ravensdale Lodge Equestrian & Event Centre sponsored 1.40m National Grand Prix. Senior National course designer Ray Buchanan had designed some great jumping tracks over the three days of competition displaying a real flair for fair competitive tracks which were appropriate for the level of competition being jumped. Buchanan did not disappoint in the feature class which had an entry of 30 combinations, 9 of which made it through the first round to go into the jump off which was won by 2002 World Show Jumping Champion Dermott Lennon with Vampire, a course specialist and previous winner of the 2013 Autumn Grand Prix at Ravensdale Lodge. Lennon, who squeezes in his visit to Ravensdale Lodge before flying out to an invitational event in Shanghai later in the week was last to go in the jump off with Dean Rogan’s scintillating time of 36.84 seconds to beat. Vampire once again answered all the calls from his rider, making every turn and galloping down to the last fence in four strides taking out two strides to stop the clock on 35.64 seconds, over a second in hand on Rogan who finished second with Falco Van Speveld. Sven Hadley signed off on a lucrative weekend by finishing third in the GP with Quanbell, Daniel Coyle was fourth with Linzi Johnston’s mare Uptown Girl, this pairing having won the feature Spring Tour Grand Prix on three successive occasions from 2012. Fifth place went to the ever competitive John Floody with Mise Le Meas, Floody had the unlucky draw of first to go in the jump off and put in a steady clear round time of 38.66 seconds. Captain Michael Kelly, the winner of this class in 2011 was sixth on board the Minister Of Defences’ Donganstown Boy while Mark Kinsella with DMS Impulse was seventh, Conan Wright was eight on board the Bridge House Stud owned Riverland Roi. Daniel Coyle picked up some more place money, this time with the John Carr owned Esprit Van De Hoedoeloide while Emily Turkington picked up the final tenth place prize money and rosette with her own Willem. A thrilling jump off for the National Grand Prix class was a fitting end to what was a great weekend of jumping at Ravensdale Lodge with some of the best riders in the world gracing the superb facilities at the popular competition facility.

National Grand Prix weekend show Friday 22nd May.

90cm class, divided between: Lynn Patterson’s Cujo (L. Patterson), Janine Farrell’s Blackmoor Heather (J. Farrell), Edward Mulligan’s Chill Out Love (E. Mulligan) & A. Tone’s Drumbrean Height’s (E. Mulligan).

1m class: # 1 Helen Pearson Murray’s Cyrano Buttercup (H. Pearson Murray), # 2 P. Cosgrave’s Lady Ooh La La (S. Hadley), # 3 Lynn Patterson’s Cujo (L. Patterson),  # 4 Mark Murphy’s Eva M (M. Murphy), # 5 A. Brennan’s Marley Dreamer (M. Mc Shane) & # 6 Frank Mc Leigh’s Melia Barcelo (M. Mc Leigh).

1.10m class: # 1 Tom Mac Guinness’ Horseware Foxy (M. Murphy), # 2 April Mc Crea’s Bob (A. Mc Crea), # 3 S. Stewart’s Mr Mee (R. Lavery), # 4 Marina Hope’s Rock Of Tassett (M. Murphy), # 5 Jamelle Mc Caughey’s Lady Porchelle (A. Mc Caughey) & # 6 J. Graham’s Edentrillick Leviticus (W. Greene).

1.20m class: # 1 Tom Mac Guinness’ Horseware Foxy (M. Murphy), # 2 R. J Smyth’s Marie Douglas (L. Clibburn), # 3 R. Powers’ Doonaveeragh O One (E. Power), # 4 Hadley Sport Horses’ Cassinitine (S. Hadley), # 5 S.A Brown’s Calgot Cruise (S. A Brown) & # 6 S. Steward’s Mr Mee (R. Lavery).

1.30m class: # 1Hadley Sport Horses’ Carla (S. Hadley), #2 R. Power’s Dooneveeragh O One (E. Power),  # 3 Declan McEvoy’s Moon Zappa (D. McEvoy) , # 4 W. Hamilton’s Courageous Imp (G. Clingan), #5 S.Hughes’ Mullentine Jetstream (Ellen Hughes) & # 6 E. Duggan’s Bronson De Reve (J. Floody).

Saturday 23rd May.

1m class: # 1 P. Cosgrave’s Lady Ooh La La (S. Hadley), # 2 Hadley Sport Horses’ Soviet Louvo (M. Pelayo), # 3 Pauline Twaddell’s Cavalier Cruise C (P. Twaddell), # 4 Lucy Stewart’s Milburren Rose (L. Stewart),# 5  Erinn Mc Cullagh’s Fabulux (E. Mc Cullagh) & # 6 Alice Brennan’s Killygarvin Playboy Lux (A. Brennan).

1.10m class sponsored by Mc Caughey’s Service Station: # 1 P. Hannigan’s Yukon Gold (P. Hannigan), # 2 Marcus Buser’s Vigo G (B. Irwin), # 3 P. Cosgrave Lady Ooh La La (S. Hadley), # 4 P. Mc Verry’s Captain Tate (A. Mc Verry), # 5 F. Morgan’s Sarco Pride (S. Bourns) & # 6 James Kiernan’s Vinday (M. Fullerton).

1.20m class sponsored by The Carrickdale Hotel: # 1 Hadley Sport Horses’ Cassana (S. Hadley), # 2 A. Mc Crea’s Clagan Diamond(V. Brown), # 3 James Kernan’s Auroras Diuamond (J. Kiernan), # 4 Laura Brown’s Zion Cruise (L. Brown), # 5 Declan Mc Evoy’s Kilmullen Coole Concorde (D. Mc Evoy) & # 6 Declan Mc Evoy’s BLM Cosmopolitan Dandy (D. Mc Evoy).

1.35m Leinster Summer Tour sponsored by  # 1 Hadley Sport Horses’ Carla (S. Hadley), # 2 Georgina Forbes’ Castleforbes Paddington (N. Fitzgibbon), # 3 A. Farr’s R. Candy (K. Farr), # 4 Hadley Sport Hoirses’ Quanbell (S. Hadley), # 5 Kengere LTD’s Sallymount Touch Of Clover (F. Campbell) & # 6 Deirdre. Reilly’s (D. Reilly).

Sunday 24th May.

1.10m Championship: # 1 Tom Mac Guinness’ Horseware Foxy (M. Murphy), # 2 April Mc Crea’s Baby Blossom (A. Mc Crea), # 3 P. Cosgrave’s Lady Oh La La (S. Hadley), # 4 G. Stewart’s Mr Mee (R. Lavery), # 5 Sarah Burns’ Georgies Star (S. Burns) & # 6 P. Mc Verry’s Captain Tate (A. Mc Verry).

1.10m Bucas Ladies League sponsored by Tullyraine Vet Clinic: # 1 Jackie Lee’s Bellscross Cruisedown (T.Dunne), # 2  April McCrea’s Baby Blossom (A.McCrea), # 3 Carroll Produce Ltd.’s Darrara Achilles (L.Carroll), # 4 L.J.Haire’s Funny Time (L.J.Haire), # 5 L.Quinn’s Bush Lady (C.Quinn) & #  6 J. Rooney’s Carmenflag (A.McCrea).

1.20m Championship sponsored by Kehoe Kars Newry: # 1Tom MacGuinness’ Horseware Foxy (M. Murphy), # 2 Hadley Sport Horses’ Cassana (S. Hadley), # 3 Kengere Ltd.’s Sallymount Touch of Clover (F. Campbell), # 4 L.J. Haire’s Funny Time (L.J. Haire), # 5 Hadley Sport Horses’ Cassinitine (S. Hadley) &  #  6 M. McShane’s Mms Camilla (M. McShane).

1.30m Championship sponsored by Linen Green Designer Village: # 1 Peter Mc Enaney’s Moonlite Cavalier (C. Mc Enaney), # 2 Robert Power’s Doonaverragh O One (E. Power), # 3 Godfrey Hughes’ Mullentine Jetstream (E. Hughes), # 4 Deirdre Reilly’s San Marco Z (D. Reilly), # 5 Tom Mac Guinness’ Horseware Kilroltrim (M. Murphy) & # 6 Tom Treanor’s Zentus T (M. Mc Shane).

1.40m National Grand Prix sponsored by Ravensdale Lodge Equestrian & Event Centre: # 1 Sandra Lennon’s Vampire (D. Lennon), # 2 LSF Showjumpers LTD’s Falco Van Spevelt (D. Rogan), # 3 Hadley Sport Horses’ Quanbell (S. Hadley), # 4 Linzi Johnston’s Uptown Girl (D. Coyle), # ,5 Matthew Birch’s Mise Le Meas (J. Floody), # 6 Minister For Defences’ Donganstown Boy (Capt M. Kelly), # 7 Donald Loughran’s DHS Impulse (M. Kinsella), # 8 Bridge House Stud’s Riverland Roi (C. Wright), # 9 J. Carr’s Esprit Van De Hoendoeloide (D. Coyle) & # 10 Emily Turkington’s Willem (E. Turkington).

Ravensdale Lodge offers world-class facilities at unbeatable value for money. For further information on any forthcoming competitions, shows or events, tuition, training, treks / hacks, facility hire, advertising or sponsorship opportunities please contact Ravensdale Lodge on + 353 (0) 42 9371034, + 353 (0) 87 2306603, email, log on to or follow us on facebook.

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