Route Hunt Opening Meet At Limivady

| October 27, 2014
Huntsman Jonny Butler on Duke

Huntsman Jonny Butler on Duke

Saturday 25TH Oct was the Route Hunt opening meet of the 2014 – 2015 season. By 12.15pm    27 horses and riders and several followers on foot were ready to set off. Hunt Master Philip White thanked The Scott family for the use of their yard for parking and for allowing the hunt the use of their land. He also thanked Gerard McCloskey for organising the hunt.  There was a small knockable fence set up in the first field as a warm up for the day and as preparation for the first ditch that lay ahead. For some the ditch was rather daunting and rather that get wet early on in the day some riders decided to give the ditch a miss. There were then a few smaller fences before the stream crossing which was a warm up for the river ahead. For most the river wasn’t a problem but some horses needed a lead. Having crossed the river it was then onto several more jumps and hedges before another deep muddy ditch. For most riders  this was no problem but a few others including some of the foot followers needed some coaxing before crossing.

Emma Wright on Blue with her Aunt Norma Wilkinson on Tara

Emma Wright on Blue with her Aunt Norma Wilkinson on Tara

Several more jumps and hedges were tackled throughout the day although the big hedge belonging to Mr Colin Cartwright, a former Route Hunt point to point winner, had gone to the disappointment of those who had previously jumped it. Both horses and riders had enjoyed a lengthy 2 1/2hours exercise thanks to the generosity of the farmers and landowners who had given the hunt the use of their land  and new land was made  available to the hunt yesterday thanks to Mr Graham Gault.

Without the co operation of famers and landowners hunt members wouldn’t be unable to enjoy exercising horses, hounds or themselves . Before returning to Scotts there was a hack along the road which gave both horses and riders a breather at the end of a busy day. On returning to the yard refreshments of soup, wheaten bread, tea and coffee were served by Mrs Scott for which all were very greatful.

The next hunt is at 12 noon on Saturday 1st November.The  organisers hope to see a good turnout of members and visitors and welcome anyone who wishes to follow the hunt on foot.  For further details on this or about joining the Route Hunt please contact the Hunt Secretary (Julie Smyth 07793209899).


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