‘Super Show’ planned for Omagh RDA

| March 24, 2013

omagh rdaFor the first time in its history, Omagh Rda will be hosting an inter-schools and inter clubs competition.  The show will take place on Saturday 13th April 2013 at the Arvalee Centre, Omagh.

Not one to shy away from hosting competitions, Omagh RDA have already hosted many inter-schools competitions for local schools such as Omagh Academy, Omagh High School, Castlederg High School and the addition of Drumragh Integrated College later in April, makes for all round support from all major contributors

“This will be the first time that and inter-schools and an inter clubs completion has been combined at one venue” states event organiser, Jacqueline Dinsmore. It separate prizes and rosettes for each section, clubs and schools/colleges have not only team events, but also individuals.

For those in primary schools where it can be more difficult to field full teams, the competition for primary schools will be run as a pairs class instead.

Starting of the day at 10am will be a starter stakes class to ensure that everyone has the ability to compete, then Primary Pairs, novelty Ride and Run, novice, intermediate and open classes will take to the arena.

Entry packs are now available, please contact Jacqueline on 07759925410 Or email omaghrda@hotmail.co.uk to obtain your pack.

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Category: News, Other, Show Jumping

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