Route Hunt Meet at Killeague

| December 11, 2013
Huntsman Jonny Butler with hounds

Huntsman Jonny Butler with hounds

On Saturday 7th December Route Hunt members met at the home of Campbell and Helen Smith at Killeague Road, Coleraine. Campbell, a Route hunt member, directed everyone where to park on arrival and then he and Helen served refreshments. Hunt master Ian Holmes welcomed everyone and asked all to ride with care especially in the grass fields which were particularly wet . Campbell had set up practice jumps in his front field and outdoor arena and every jump from a field into the practice arena and it was then a challenging jump out of the arena into a stubble field which the courageous hunt members took on or there was the option to use a gate.

After the stubble field there was another drop fence into a grass field before the ditches, fences, laneways and river that lay ahead. One of the ditches proved troublesome with most horses needing encouragement to cross. This was especially the case for Eilish Smith on Mavis but the teenagers determination ensured that she was not defeated by the ditch and it was obvious that this would be the outcome after Eilish exclaimed “Mavis you’re going over this ditch even if it takes all day”. Another of the ditches was the downfall of Simon Carson but he managed to hold onto the reins even though he had landed on the ground and with youth on his side Simon vaulted back on and continued hunting. There were a few near misses for some others but good grip or luck saw the rest stay on board. Once again the weather had held up although it was quite cold but with hip flasks on board the cold wasn’t a problem. Hunt members thank the Smiths for the use of their land and for setting up the jumps and all other farmers and landowners who allow the hunt the use of their land.

The next hunt is at 12 noon on Saturday 14th December . The organisers hope to see a good turnout of members and visitors and welcome anyone who wishes to follow the hunt on foot. For further details on this or about joining the Route Hunt please contact the Hunt Master (Philip White 07732630963) or the Hunt Secretary (Julie Smyth 07793209899)


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