Grow your Horses Mo’ this Movember

| November 22, 2013

Instagram_mo_your_horse_1024px_x_1024pxEvery year, this month sees a whole host of moustache-related fund-raising activities in aid of Prostate Cancer UK.  So, this year, why not extend this to your horses?!

Equestrian Clearance are running a social media campaign pitting a horse, Murphy, and a human, Ashley, against each other in a ‘tache battle! The campaign, called #horsevshuman, will be judged at the end of the month to see which contestant has the finest facial hair!

To complement this campaign, they’ve also set up a hashtag on Instagram, so everyone can get involved! The hashtag #moyourhorse has enabled followers of the campaign to upload photos of their own horses that are participating in Movember. The photographs can be seen on Equestrian Clearance’s Instagram and Facebook accounts.

Two Just Giving pages have been set up on behalf of Ashley and Murphy, where you can sponsor your favourite contender, with all proceeds going to Prostate Cancer UK.


Alternatively, you can donate by text:

Text ECMO50 plus the amount (£1, £2, £3, £5, or £10) to 70070 to sponsor Ashley, the human.                                                                                                                                                  Text ECMO60 plus the amount (£1, £2, £3, £5, or £10) to 70070 to sponsor Murphy, the horse.

If you think your horse can grow the best Mo’, hashtag your photograph with #moyourhourse, and the best wins a £15 voucher to spend on the Equestrian Clearance website.





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