Route Hunt Meet at Knockertotan

| October 29, 2013
Martin Mellet clearing one of the hedge jumps

Martin Mellet clearing one of the hedge jumps

On Saturday 26th October  18 Route hunt members and 3 visitors  met at the kennels for the Knockertotan hunt organised by hunt secretary Julie Smyth. Hunt master Philip White welcomed everyone before the hunt set off at 12.15pm. There was a hack along the Gateside Road and Ballymacrea Road to get everyone warmed up before the stubble fields that were ahead. Here there were both hedge fences and purpose built fences set up in the fields.

The hunt then hacked to the reservoir on the Corbally Road where there were 2 ditches to jump. There was then more stubble fields where all enjoyed a good canter before a stone wall  and yet another ditch. By this stage the weather had broken and the rain was pouring down but this did not deter the horses or  riders. There was then a canter along a lane way before facing the large plastic water pipe which most riders took on.

After this it was another hedge jump with quite a drop on the other side which came as a surprise to some but all managed to stay aboard.  There was then an optional  5 bar gate, a lane crossing and a double pole jump into another stubble field.There were several more hedge jumps and walls before the hack back to the kennels where all enjoyed the soup and wheaten bread provided by the hunt secretary Julie Smyth .  Despite the rain all had enjoyed a good days hunting and appreciated the work of the hunt organisers  and the generosity of the farmers  and  landowners who give the hunt the use of their land.

The next  hunt is the  annual children’s hunt at 12 noon on  Saturday 2nd November. The  organisers  hope  to see a good turnout of children, members and visitors.  For further details on this or about  joining the Route Hunt  please contact the Hunt Master (Philip White 07732630963) or the Hunt Secretary (Julie Smyth 07793209899)

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