British Para Equestrian Coach, Clive Milkins Provides Intensive Training at Omagh RDA

| June 10, 2013
British Para Coach Clive Milkins, talks to those assembled at Omagh RDA. Where he delivered two days of clinics to RDA riders and able bodied riders

British Para Coach Clive Milkins, talks to those assembled at Omagh RDA. Where he delivered two days of clinics to RDA riders and able bodied riders

Last week, the Omagh group of Riding for Disabled welcomed British Para Equestrian Coach, Clive Milkins to the centre for two days intensive training.

Beginning his work with the RDA in the late 1980s at Moreton Hall Group; Clive  joined South Bucks RDA Group as Stable Manager and Chief Instructor in 1993, and remains at the South Bucks group to this day.

Since the 1990′s  Clive has acted as  trainer for the British team at  World Championships  and Games for disabled riders. He has since coached riders competing at Paralympic Games (Athens, Beijing and now London), European Championships and World Championships.  One of his riders, Sophie Christiansen has excelled in many competitions including winning a trio of Gold Medals at the London Paralympic Games in 2012.

Currently Clive is embarking of his UKCC level 4 qualification, through his involvement with RDA, this will be the first UKCC level 4 for RDA coaches.  Much if the work he is to undertake will have great benefit in the sphere of disability sport.

As well as training  7 Omagh RDA riders due to compete  at the RDA National Championships in July, Clive also provided clinic opportunities of able bodied riders.  The two days were a resounding success with many riders, parents and instructors asking when he is due to return.

Huge thanks go to Clive for making the journey to Northern Ireland, Omagh RDA would like to thank all who came to Clive’s clinics, to all the instructors and volunteers who watched each of his sessions and of course the candidates who too part.  Additionally thanks are extended to Arvalee Riding Club, as they assisted the group by subsidising the cost of having world class tuition for our riders.

With only a few weeks now until the Omagh group set sail to the UK National Championships, there many activities running throughout June to help the riders to reach the championships.  The first of these activities will be the Pre-Omagh Working Hunter show on Saturday 22nd June, with ponies commencing at 10am and horses at 2.30pm.

For further details of if you would like to help in any way please contact Chris on 07709199474.

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