Lucy makes the ‘Magnificent 7’ for Omagh RDA

| June 4, 2013

Omagh RDA rider, Lucy Smyth who has qualified to represent Northern Ireland at the UK National Championships in Hartpury

Omagh RDA rider, Lucy Smyth who has qualified to represent Northern Ireland at the UK National Championships in Hartpury

Victoria Bridge rider Lucy Smyth makes the Magnificent 7 for Omagh Riding for Disabled, as she joins the other 6 riders already qualified for the UK National Championships at Hartpury College.

Lucy, a student at Knockavoe School, Strabane, has ridden with the Arvalee Group for over 3 years. This will be her first time competing on the National stage at the Championships, As an avid competitor, Lucy has competed in many of the RDA competitions, including Dressage, Show Jumping and Countryside Challenge. Having now qualified for the Championships, Lucy will embark on several weeks of training with the group in preparation for her trip to Gloucester in July.

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